Welcome to Tinggårdens webpage in a short version...
In this chapter we have tried to condensate the spirit of our settlement into a short, English version.
Tinggården was originally built in 1978 as a result of a competition from the Danish Ministery of Housing on alternative settlements and dwellings. The competition was won by the architects from Vandkunsten, a very famous Danish architect company. To some extent they owe some of their fame to Tinggården. Our settlement is in a work on Danish Architecture called "A Milestone in Danish Architecture"!
Tinggården was actually the prototype of the dense/low type of building and combines a large variety of materials with an exciting interior and exterior architecture and an organization based upon self governing and close social relationships between the families living there.
Many people choose to live in Tinggården and we now have second generation moving in with their children - a nice pad on our shoulders...
Tinggården is divided into originally 6 so called family groups and 5 years later 6 more, as the second Tinggården was built as a follow up on the huge success of Tinggården I. Each family group consists of 12 - 17 apartments varying in size and composition. Tinggården I furthermore has a very flexible feature, making it possible to add additional rooms to one apartment if the neighbour wants to let go of the room. The feature is frequently used when children grow up and leave home, and the neighbour can use the extra room.
Over the years Tinggården has had the pleasure of several thousands of visitors from all over the world; architects, engineers, students, enviromentalists, housing consultants and many others have strolled through the settlement. Some have taken the time to speak to some of the caretakers or some of the people living here, and most of us are keen to answer questions on how it is to live in Tinggården.
If you want to know more about Tinggården, feel free to contact us by email post@tinggaarden.nu. If you want to pay us a visit, please call in advance, and we'll try to find someone to show you around.
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Ejendomskontoret Tinggården Tinggården 100 4681 Herfølge Kontoret har følgende åbningstider: Telefontid: Mandag og tirsdag samt torsdag og fredag kl. 8.00 - 10. Personlig henvendelse Mandag og tirsdag samt torsdag og fredag kl. 10.00 - 12.00. Desuden åbent onsdag fra kl. 15.00 - 17.00 kun for personlig henvendelse. Telefon 56 27 53 82. Mail: 4681@boligafdeling.dk
Vil du besøge Tinggården, kan du ringe til vores to kontaktpersoner: Birgit Søborg, 25 11 19 58 eller Kirsten Jessen, 56 27 50 55.
Du er også velkommen til at kontakte ejendomskontoret på 56 27 53 82 mellem 9.30 og 10 eller på mail 4681@boligafdeling.dk
DAB København 77 32 00 00 DAB Køge, Torvet 19,1. Telefon 56 65 94 96
Hjertestarter er opsat ved ejendomskontoret Tinggården 100